Wednesday 2 July 2014

"Why I am still with Unicity" - Great Testimonials From A Couple

Rohaiyah Kinnear
Year 2000. I suffered from CRVO – Central Retina Vein Occlusion. My eye vein became clogged and blood stopped flowing to my eye. In fact, I got hemorrhage in the right eye and temporarily lost my right eye vision for 3 hours.

I was recommended to the best eye specialist at Gleneagles Hospital. He suggested numerous tests to find out what caused the problem. He suspected that I might have a heart problem or even diabetes. After all the tests and spending about $5,000 in expenses, he confirms that there is no sign of any heart problem or any high sugar level in my blood. The eye specialist did not prescribe any medication. He said that this is a very rare disease and there is nothing he can help me at that time. He also told me that I would eventually go blind.

Not long after, my eye condition got worse. The only way to bring the swelling down is to go through laser treatment. So I went through it, only to find out that the scar from the treatment is permanent.
At that time, Royal Numico had just launched its first product called Visutein through Enrich International. My girlfriend was at the Las Vegas convention for the product launch and brought back 2 bottles for me to take. After 2 bottles and about a month later, my vision improved from 6/25 to 6/9.

My new eye specialist did not know what I was taking but told me this: “I don’t know what it is, Rohaiyah, but whatever it is, please continue taking it, as I have never seen such tremendous improvement in a short time in connection with this particular eye problem.”

I have been taking Visutein regularly since. On 4th June 2001, when I went back for my monthly check-up, the eye specialist confirmed that my vision had gone back to 6/6!

Unicity Network delivers its promise time and time again. For me, it has given me more that anyone could have ever wanted. Not only does the company provide extra income for me, it also gives me a chance to see again!

Thank you, Unicity Network!

David Kinnear
When my wife started Network Marketing with Unicity Network, I was a real skeptic. I had been exposed to this business concept some 15 years earlier in U.K. and I thought it was a kind of legal scam! Anyway, as long as no money was going to be invested, I decided to wait and see what happened. After a couple of months, I decided to relent and try the products to see if I obtained any benefit. I wanted to support my wife but I did not want to get into
something over our heads. I also went with her to a couple of presentations at major hotels and checked out the various claims - the background and integrity of the products, the financial strength of the company, the legality in Singapore, the management team, etc. It all seemed to be valid.
After a few weeks, I realised that my ringworm problem (my bane of 9 years, since I first arrived in Singapore) had completely disappeared. I had visited many different doctors, but none had been able to fully cure this irritating fungus, which seemed to always flare up after a seafood meal. I took the maximum dosage of PARAWAY PLUS for 4 whole weeks. Not believing that it was cured, I went to the East Coast for a big seafood binge to test if there would be any reoccurrence; there was not and it has never come back! I still take PARAWAY PLUS regularly since it is a natural product that also helps to fight malaria.
Subsequently, I studied the dynamics of the Network Marketing business and gave full support to my wife. She has never looked back since then! 

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